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Discover Freelap® running timing system.

This fully automated professional timing system is designed for a wide variety of training scenarios for most of the track and field sports (sprint, middle distance, long distance, walking, relay, hurdle, pole vault, long jump, triple jump…) and for speed training. Motivating for athletes and leaving no room for hand-time inconsistency, Freelap® system is a powerful tool for improvement.

√  0,02s accuracy

√  Compact & lightweight

√  Various types of starts

√  Live results on app

√  Export & sharing

√  Speed measurement

√  Automated & wireless

√  No limit of race length

√  Several athletes simultaneously

 Offline mode

√   Lap & Split times

√  Best / Slowest times

√  Fast & easy set up

√  Indoor / outdoor

√  Easily time big groups

√  Data storage

√  Intermediate times

√  Time Gaps & Ranking

√  0,02s accuracy

√  Fast & easy set up

√  No limit of race length

√  Various types of starts

√  Easily time big groups

√  Live results on app

√  Data storage

√  Lap & Split times

√  Speed measurement

√  Automated & wireless

√  Compact & lightweight

√  Indoor / outdoor

√  Time several athletes

 Offline mode

√  Export & sharing

√  Best / Slowest times

√  Intermediate times

√  Time Gaps & Ranking

√  0,02s accuracy
√  Automated & wireless
√  Fast & easy set up
√  Compact & lightweight
√  No limit of race length
√  Indoor / outdoor
√  Various types of starts
√  Several athletes simultaneously
√  Easily time big groups
√  Live results on app
√  Offline mode
√  Data storage
√  Export & sharing
√  Lap & Split times
√  Intermediate times
√  Speed measurement
√  Best / Slowest times
√  Time Gaps & Ranking

Running packs
Single products


Compare Running packs:

Pack 112

Pack 212

Pack 414
Products• 1 FxChip BLE + FxClip
• 1 Tx Pad Pro
• 2 Tx Junior Pro
• 1 Satchel bag small
• 2 FxChip BLE + FxClip
• 1 e-Starter
• 2 Tx Junior Pro
• 1 Satchel bag small
• 4 FxChip BLE + FxClip
• 1 SpaceUnit & PowerUnit
• 4 Tx Junior Pro
• 1 Drawstring bag
• 1 Satchel bag medium
Type of starts Block start & 3-point start
Standing start
Rolling, Flying start (using Tx Junior Pro as START transmitter > no intermediate times)
Sound start
Block start & 3-point start
Standing start
Rolling, Flying start (using Tx Junior Pro as START transmitter > no intermediate times)
Sound start
Block start & 3-point start
Standing start
Rolling, Flying start (using Tx Junior Pro as START transmitter > no intermediate times)
Sound start
Intermediate times22 2
(Or 4 if timing only 2 athletes)
N° of athletes* (simultaneously on standard timing)1Up to 2Up to 4
Compare START transmitters:

Tx Junior Pro

Tx Touch Pro

Tx Pad Pro


Flying start
Block start
3-point start
Standing start
Sound start
Automatic triggering

Manual triggering
N° of lanes coveredUp to 211Up to 2Up to 8
Compare Running packs:

Compare START transmitters: