Frequently Asked Questions >
To know the price of Freelap products in your currency, and to find your Freelap dealer, go to the contact page.
If there is no dealer in your country, please contact the head office (by email / phone +41 32 861 52 42 / or via our social networks) and we will process your request as soon as possible .
MyFreelap app is 100% FREE.
We offer timing systems specially adapted for track and field, skiing, biathlon, biking, motocross, speed skating, soccer and american football. However, Freelap technology is versatile and adapted to almost all sports for which speed matters. For any questions about the use of the Freelap system for your sport and about the choice of Freelap products to use, do not hesitate to contact your dealer (find your dealer on the contact page) or Freelap SA head office (by email / phone +41 32 861 52 42 / or via social networks). We will be happy to answer all your questions and support you.
For both !
For coaches: Ability to time several athletes simultaneously or in a row – live data and later consultations.
For athletes training alone: Freelap system is automatic, you don’t need anyone else to get your times. Ability to use a smartwatch. Live data and later consultations (and ability to share the results with your coach!)
YES ! Thanks to MyFreelap app, you can easily time several athletes simultaneously, or in a row, and create your Teams to manage your start lists.
The “Roster Timing Method” lets you easily and quickly time a big group of athletes in a row (on 1 or 2 lanes). The data is associated with the athletes according to the order of passage mentioned in the start list. In this case athletes can use the same chip.
Freelap products are guaranteed for 2 years.
For after sales service, please contact your Freelap dealer, or the head office (by email / phone +41 32 861 52 42 / or via social networks).
Find all information about your Freelap device on its instruction for use.
Download the instruction for use of your Freelap devices from our page instructions for use.
– The FxChip is the radio transponder, it does not have the Bluetooth function. It must be used in combination with the Relay Coach BLE. The FxChip sends the timing data via radio transmission to the Relay Coach BLE. Then, the Relay Coach BLE transmits the data via Bluetooth to your mobile device.
– The FxChip BLE has the Bluetooth function. Your FxChip BLE transponder directly transmits timing data via Bluetooth to your mobile device. (No Relay Coach BLE needed.)
The ID (2 letters – 4 digits) is written is the front of the chip .
If ID is not visible on the chip anymore, you can find it using Freelap Device Manager (FDM) app.
The Tx Junior Pro and Tx Track Pro are both versatile transmitters which can be set up as a START, LAP or FINISH transmitter.
The main difference is the detection field:
– Tx Junior Pro: detection field of a radius of 1.5m
– Tx Track Pro: detection field of 3.5m on each side.
– The Tx Junior Pro is recommended for timing sports in which the athlete moves on foot and can pass fairly close to the transmitter (such as track and field, agility and speed training etc …).
– The Tx Track Pro is recommended for timing sports in which the athlete does not move on foot (such as ski, MTB, etc…).
• For the FxChip BLE: From the MyFreelap app, when you are receiving times, the app indicates the battery level of the chip (Unless if the battery is completely empty, in this case you won’t receive anything because the chip is not detected at all – it doesn’t flash when you put it into motion next to a transmitter turned on.). When the battery becomes low, the app sends you a notification.
• For all the Freelap BLE devices (FxChip BLE, FxSwim, Relay Coach BLE, LED Display): You can check the battery level using the Freelap Device Manager app.
• For all the Freelap devices: Please check the instruction for use of your product to know about low battery warnings.
Please read the instruction for use of your Freelap device from our page instructions for use.
Find examples of configuration for your sport, as well as all the steps of use and instructions on our complet guide by sports , and directly on MyFreelap app !
Find examples of configuration for your sport (where to place your transmitters) on our complet guide by sports , and directly on MyFreelap app thanks to the library of preset Exercises with tutorials.
– For flying start: NO
1 / Place your Tx Junior Pro transmitter code START on the ground on the start line, on the side of the track, less than 1.5m from the athlete’s trajectory.
2 / Then, the same way, place your Tx Junior Pro code LAP at the desired distances to get intermediate times.
3 / Then, the same way, place your Tx Junior Pro code FINISH on the finish line.
/!\ For an optimal accuracy, take the start (start running) at least 5m before the START transmitter.
– For start block: YES
1 / Place your START transmitter on the ground on the start line.
2 / Place your Tx Junior Pro transmitters code LAP and FINISH on the ground:
– on the side of the track, at less than 1.5m from the athlete’s trajectory
– 80cm AFTER the desired distance (because the transponder will detect the magnetic field of the transmitter 80cm before its actual position).
> Check our Complete Track and Field Guide.
Maximum of 11 transmitters on your trajectory.
Of course, if you time several athletes on adjacent lanes you can place more transmitters on the track! Just verify that each transponder does not cross more than 11 transmitters.
Minimum 10 meters / 0,7 second between 2 transmitters.
Find how to attach your chip for your sport on our complet guide by sports !
To ensure the perfect reception of the data, place your mobile device:
– Between 10m and 50m after the FINISH transmitter
– At a height of 1 meter from the ground (in your hands keeping the hands low / or lay it on a 1m high support)
// If the athlete is using a smartwatch or is keeping his smartphone in his pocket: it’s ok.
Your timing data is transmitted and displayed instantly each time you cross a FINISH transmitter.
Find all the information, key features and steps of use in our complet MyFreelap guide.
MyFreelap 7 is compatible with IOS and Android mobile devices (smartphones, tablets):
– Minimum iOS version support from iOS 13.0
– Minimum Android version support from OS version 7.0
Otherwise you can use the MyFreelap legacy app: MyFreelap Legacy app is compatible with IOS and Android mobile devices (smartphones, tablets):
– Minimum iOS version support from iOS 13.0
– Minimum Android version support from OS version 6 (Marshmallow)
• Smartwatches compatible with MyFreelap Legacy app:
– Apple watch: Watch OS version – 5.1 and greater
– Android Wear OS: Android wear version – 2.0 and greater
– Samsung Gear: Wear version – 3.0 and greater.
From your mobile device, go to your apps store, search “MyFreelap” in the search bar and click on “Install” / Or download it from our download page.
Then open it and click on “Create an account”.
To create an account, go to, click on “Create an account” and let’s go !
To access your MyFreelap account go to the Sign in page.
No. You can create a Workout from your web account on a computer, but to start receiving data you must use MyFreelap app on your mobile device.
Yes. Only the Bluetooth function is required for receiving your timing data. But, please note that you have to be connected to your account in online mode to use offline mode. So before to go to train, check on your MyFreelap app that you are connected to your MyFreelap account.
From your MyFreelap app, from the main bottom menu, click on and then on “My Account“.
From your MyFreelap app, from the main bottom menu, click on and then on “General Settings”.
From your MyFreelap app, from the main bottom menu, click on and then on “My Freelap Chips“.
Teams section lets you create Teams, and so start lists, to time several athletes.
From the menu, click on . Create a Team. Then, when creating a new Workout, select the Team to use and manage the start list.
To invite a MyFreelap user to join your Team, you must add him as a member into your Team either by entering his email address or by adding him from the “From known users” section.
> More info about Team invitations
You can start timing using the Quick Timing, or using a Preset Exercise. The Quick Timing button and the library of preset Exercises are available from the Dashboard. From the main bottom menu, click on .
/!\ You can start timing (receiving data) only from MyFreelap app (not available from web version).
The Quick Timing button lets you start timing quickly with minimal setup and features.
From the Dashboard, click on “Quick Timing”.
• Select the type of Freelap BLE device you use between “FxChip BLE” or “Relay Coach BLE + FxChip”
• Click on Start
Using the Quick Timing you can access only the minimal features.
Features NOT available using Quick Timing:
– Set up a start List to be able to:
– Display athletes’s Initial or First Name
– Receive only the data of the selected chips (and not all chips around you)
– Select Roster timing method
– Set Distances and get Speed data
If you want to access all the features, select a preset Exercise.
The preset Exercises let you start timing easily with full features, according to the need of the Exercise. Each Exercise is coming with detailed tutorials.
The list of the preset Exercises is accessible from the Dashboard. From the main bottom menu, click on .
– Standard timing (the most used): 1 athlete = 1 chip. The data is associated to the athlete with the chip ID. Each Freelap chips have a unique ID that let’s you time several athletes simultaneously, even on different tracks / exercises.
– Roster timing (mostly used by big teams training in a row respecting an order of passage): With Roster timing, you don’t need to assign a unique chip to a unique athlete. Athletes can lend the chips to each other. Times are assigned to the corresponding athlete following the order of passage of the start list.
> When using the Quick Timing, only the Standard timing is available.
> The Roster timing method is available for some preset Exercises. Once you will have selected a preset Exercise, you will be able to choose your timing method from the Workout settings steps.
From the Live screen of the Workout, click on to open the full screen view.
From the Live screen of your Workout, click on at the top-right to stop data reception.
To resume the reception of the data, click on the Workout and then on .
Times are displayed in the data table of your Workout and the number of intermediate times is indicated next to it in parenthesis. Click on the time to see the details of the intermediate times.
To customize the data to display: Click on to open the customization pop up. Then you can turn ON/OFF the type of data you want to display/hide using the switchers
Note: Depending on the Exercises or on your Workout settings, some types of data can be unavailable.
By default the app displays the data of all athletes, but you can choose to filter the data table to display the results of only 1 athlete. From the dropdown menu above the data table, select the athlete you want.
By default the data are sorted in Chronological order, but you can change for Antechronological or Ranking order (from the best time to the slowest time). From the dropdown menu above the data table, choose the sorting you want.
Press 3 seconds on a time to delete it. You can select several times:
– Click on “Delete selected” to delete the selected times.
– Click on “Delete all data” to delete all the data of the Workout.
• First, from your app, choose the data you want to display. The app will export exactly the data which are displayed on the app. This way, for example, you can export only the data of 1 athlete if you want, choose to sort by ranking order, choose to display or not the time gaps etc.. by customizing the display of the data for this Workout.
Then from your Workout click on .
• You can choose between exporting as:
– .PDF
– .CSV file (spreadsheet).
Just click on the button and the file will be downloaded on your device.
• Check that you have set the separator you need: You manage this from the General settings > Csv separator. Usually “,” is used in Europe and “;” is used for other countries. If you have set the wrong separator, all the data will be displayed in 1 column. If so, change the separator settings and download your file again.
• Depending on the settings of the spreadsheet you are using it can happen that the times are changed into date. Most of the time it happens on Excel. To avoid this, please follow these steps to open your .csv file in Excel:
– Open a new empty Excel file
– Click on the “Data” tab
– Click on “From a txt/csv file”
– Select your csv file to open it
To share your Workout to other MyFreelap users:
From your Workout, click on and then click on “Share to a MyFreelap user”.
– At the top you can see the list of users with whom the workout is already shared. From here you can cancel a sharing too.
Then the list of your “Known MyFreelap users” (MyFreelap users you already interacted with) is displayed.
– You can search for a user in the list using the search bar
– Or filter by team to display only the MyFreelap users which are part of a particular team.
> Check the users to select them and click on the “Share” button.
Or You can find another MyFreelap user:
Click on the “Find a MyFreelap user” button > enter his email > click on “Add” to add it into your list > check his checkbox and click on the “Share” button.
We recommend you to always update MyFreelap app to the latest version.
• When a new update is available, you are notified on your MyFreelap account.
• To update MyFreelap app: go to the app store on your mobile device, search for “MyFreelap” and click on “Update”.
Find all the information, key features and steps of use in our complet Freelap Device Manager guide.
Freelap Device Manager (FDM) lets you view the info, set up and update your Freelap Bluetooth devices.
From your mobile device, go to your app store, type “FDM” in the search bar and click on “Install” / Or Download it from one of these links :
– App Store
– Google Play Store
> Complete tutorial
In case of a major update (device configured on a version lower than version n°6), and only for Relay Coach BLE and LED Display devices, it is recommended to use the FDM software on a computer to update the version of the device (the update of the Bluetooth version will have to be done via the FDM app on your smartphone).
Freelap Device Manager (FDM) software is available for FREE download for Windows and Mac. From your computer, click on one of these links to download the software, then process the installation:
- For Windows : Freelap Device Manager – Windows
- For MAC : Freelap Device Manager – MAC
We inform you of available updates and other news, on our Twitter account, do not hesitate to follow us!
Also you are informed that a product can be updated upon the detection of the device via the FDM app.
To update your Freelap products, you must use the Freelap Device Manager app.
> Complete tutorial
You can configure your Freelap BLE devices using the Freelap Device Manager (FDM) app.
> Complete guide and configuration options for each of your Freelap products
Discover how to use MyFreelap on smartwatches on our complet guide.
/!\ For the moment only the MyFreelap Legacy app is compatible with smartwatches.
Yes, you can receive your timing data live during your training on your smartwatch.
Compatible smartwatches:
- • Apple watch: Watch OS version – 5.1 and greater
- • Android Wear OS: Android wear version – 2.0 and greater
- • Samsung Gear: Wear version – 3.0 and greater.
Garmin and Fitbit watches are not compatible (Garmin using ANT+ technology and not Bluetooth, and Fitbit not allowing the use of external devices).
It is really easy, check our complete tutorial.
Yes, you just have to activate the sound during your training.
Go to your MyFreelap app, then to the Workout in progress and click on the icon at the top left.
Please verify that :
– You are using the Freelap devices recommended your sport.
– You have the last version available of MyFreelap app
– MyFreelap app is opened on your mobile device and run in first plan (required on IOS)
– Bluetooth & Location are activated on your mobile device
– Your chip is correctly attached
– Transmitters are turned on, correctly placed, and set on the correct code
– You have 1 transmitter set to the code “FINISH”
– You cross max. 11 transmitters on your trajectory
– Transmitters are at least 0,7s (10m) apart
– You cross the detection zone of each transmitter
– You correctly place your mobile device: Between 5m and 50m after the FINISH transmitter, and at a height of 1 meter from the ground (in your hands keeping the hands low / or lay it on a 1m high support). (If you are using a smartwatch or keeping your smartphone in your pocket: it’s ok).
– That your FxChip BLE / your Relay Coach BLE / your LED Display have the latest update available. To update it you have to use FDM (Freelap Device Manager) app.
– The batteries of your devices are not flat – recharge / change the batteries
– You are not close to a railway line (may causes interference)
In some isolated cases, after changing the battery of your FxChip BLE, it can happen that the chip ID resets to the manufacturer ID: AA-0001. In this case the chip continue to work, but as the ID has changed you won’t be able to collect data if you are still using the initial (and real) chip ID in MyFreelap app.
To restore the initial chip ID please follow the steps indicated in this document: Restore chip ID (takes approx. 2 minutes)